Sidebar improvement (only 1 sidebar)

Reducing 2 layer sidebar to 1 | Quicker Access to Apps | easier navigation between Spaces | easily moving apps across spaces | improving quick app adding before you select where to add |

How: We are thinking of removing Sections / Spaces and Folders, making everything a folder with apps in them. You can also have folder > folder > Folder > App to support your existing Section > Space > Folder > App structure and your structure will automatically be converted to this if we do it.

Thanks to many feedback during calls, in the community and in these posts, we thought we'd make some improvements to the sidebar 🫶

Here is a glimpse on how it looks like 🙌

I'd love feedback on this as we'd be iterating it for a bit before finally committing to it!

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💡 Feature requests


9 days ago


Ege Gündüz

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