At the moment, the /command is really basic. Here are some examples of what basic commands are common across different tools:
Heading Commands
- Insert plain text
, /h2
, /h3
, /h4
, /h5
, /h6
- Insert a heading of the specified level
- Insert a heading (prompts you to select the level)
Content Insertion
- Insert a code block (prompts you to select a language)
- Insert an iframe (prompts you for the URL)
- Insert an image (prompts you for the image URL)
- Insert a link (prompts you for the URL and link text)
- Insert a TODO item
- Insert a quote block
, /italic
, /underline
- Apply the respective formatting
- Apply strikethrough formatting
- Apply highlighting
- Schedule a TODO for a specific date
- Set a deadline for a TODO
Scheduling and deadlines allow you to surface relevant tasks on your daily notes
Depending on the tool there are many more options (see Logseq, Anytype, Notion).
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