May 31st 2024


Template library, dark mode and more

With this update, we are launching a template library with pre-built templates for product managers, sales managers, founders, and designers. Additionally, themes are here! A much-requested feature to change the look of the UI from light to dark.

Launching the template library with 40+ templates

We hand-crafted beautiful templates to help you draft sales proposals, create product roadmaps, track bugs and document features among many others. Click on the template library in the sidebar to try out different templates yourself!

Will you choose the light or the dark side?

Finally, dark mode is here. To help you customize liftOS even more to your preferences, you can now work in light or dark themes. You can also match the theme according to your device's system settings. We are curious to see, will you choose the light or the dark side?

check out the updates

Yours productively,

liftOS team