What should we build / improve?

Please tell us how we can make the product more useful to you.


Sidebar improvement (only 1 sidebar)

Reducing 2 layer sidebar to 1 | Quicker Access to Apps | easier navigation between Spaces | easily moving apps across spaces | improving quick app adding before you select where to add | How: We are thinking of removing Sections / Spaces and Folders, making everything a folder with apps in them. You can also have folder > folder > Folder > App to support your existing Section > Space > Folder > App structure and your structure will automatically be converted to this if we do it.Thanks to many feedback during calls, in the community and in these posts, we thought we'd make some improvements to the sidebar 🫢Here is a glimpse on how it looks like πŸ™ŒI'd love feedback on this as we'd be iterating it for a bit before finally committing to it!

Ege GΓΌndΓΌz 6 days ago


πŸ’‘ Feature requests

Direct File/Folder Sync from Computer/mobile phone

This feature would allow users to seamlessly sync files, folders, and real-time data directly from their machines, enabling efficient collaboration and streamlined workflows. The direct file/folder sync feature would benefit various use cases, including:Frequent File Synchronization: For projects that require frequent file updates or real-time data synchronization, this feature would eliminate the need for manual uploads or downloads, ensuring that all team members have access to the latest versions of files and data.Direct File Editing: In certain scenarios, users may need to edit files directly on their local machines, leveraging specialized software or tools. The direct sync feature would allow users to work on their files locally and have the changes automatically reflected on the platform, fostering a seamless editing experience.Large File Transfers: Transferring large files or entire project directories can be cumbersome and time-consuming through traditional upload methods. The direct sync feature would enable efficient and reliable transfers, even for sizeable data sets.Offline Access and Editing: In situations where internet connectivity is limited or intermittent, users could work on their files locally and have their changes synced automatically once a connection is re-established, ensuring uninterrupted productivity.Implementation of this feature would involve integrating a secure and efficient synchronization mechanism that can handle bidirectional file transfers between the user's local machine and the platform. Additionally, robust conflict resolution and version control mechanisms would be implemented to ensure data integrity and prevent accidental overwrites or data loss.By introducing the direct file/folder sync feature, The platform would provide users with a more streamlined and efficient workflow, enhancing productivity and collaboration across various projects and use cases. This feature would deliver a comprehensive and user-friendly experience tailored to the evolving needs of a diverse user base.

hoangbao2106 7 days ago

πŸ’‘ Feature requests